
ClientsORBITAL offers her services to the following markets:

•           Governmental Bodies & Institutes
•           Certification & Notified bodies
•           Oil and Gas Industry
•           (Petro)Chemical Industry
•           Pipeline Industry
•           Engineering Companies
•           Construction Companies
•           Fabricators
•           Power and Utility sector

ORBITAL’s clients are listed below; the reference projects are detailed in the company presentation attached.

Governmental Bodies & Institutes

•           Province  Zeeland
•           Province Zuid Holland
•           Province Noord Brabant
•           IPO

Oil & Gas Industry

•           NAM
•           SHELL
•           BP
•           Clyde Petroleum
•           Wintershall
•           Conoco
•           Gaz de France
•           Chevron
•           Taqa
•           Venture
•           CIRRUS
•           Maersk
•           Gasunie
•           Newfield

(Petro)Chemical Industry

•           Total Refineries Netherlands
•           BP Refineries Netherlands
•           BASF UK
•           DSM
•           LVM
•           SABIC
•           GEAM
•           SHELL Refineries Netherlands
•           MONSANTO

Energy & Infrastructure

•           ENECO
•           NUON

Engineering Companies

•           KCI
•           IV Consult
•           NEVESBU
•           Aker Solutions 
•           DHV
•           Syncera de Straat

Construction Companies

•           Allseas
•           Heerema fabrication
•           HBG
•           SBMGustoMSC


•           DMN Westinghouse
•           GESRA
•           GEVEKE (Caterpillar)
•           VandenBorre
•           Van der Wijst
•           Glaverbel
•           Hertel

Certification and Notified Bodies

•           Bureau Veritas
•           KEMA
•           TNO

Training Companies

•           Stichting ATEX
•           Elsevier opleidingen

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